Ajax Thinks

Ajax Thinks
by Muffin Man

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ideas like This are What Makes it Hard for Me to Pay Attention in Class

We were talking about the history of policing in Criminal Justice recently. The instructor mentioned 1360 BC Egypt. He said 99% of the people of Egypt lived along the Nile river; naturally, that's where the criminals would be as well. He said the Pharoahs army would police the river. I wrote in my notes "Nile River Highway Patrol." The river was their highway. That reminded me of the television show CHiP's. The late '70's or early '80's police drama/sit com. I don't know if it was a drama or a comedy, all I know is every episode ended with a freeze frame laugh. I liked the show because I was young and liked police things. Anyway, if you are familiar with the show you know it has a degree of cheesiness to it. Here's my idea for a TV show: Nile River Highway Patrol. You get two disco studs and dress them in the ancient Egyptian equivalent of TV motorcycle patrolman uniforms and put them in a boat. Although the year and environment would be much different, the storylines would be basically the same, just adapt the crimes to meet the circumstances. The dialogue would all be '70's era, it'd be fantastic! Maybe I'm wrong, but I think I'd like to see this show.

Of course, this idea will only fly if Erik Estrada is willing to play the Pharoah.

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