Ajax Thinks

Ajax Thinks
by Muffin Man

Friday, March 19, 2010

Biz Markie, Southland and a BIG Sandwich

Why does sandwich look like it is spelled wrong? Spell check says it is correct, and I know it is, but for some reason it looks wrong to me. We will just ignore that for now. The title line, what does it mean? I went to a little sandwich place in the next town over with some friends tonight. It was a great sandwich, good value, hefty hunk of food. My buddy was getting a 6 inch, and I laughed in my head, ha ha, I thought, I'm hungrier than a 6 inch sandwich. I went with the 8 inch. Little did I know, this wasn't your ordinary submarine bread. 6 inches wasn't just the length, it was also the width. Had I been aware of that, I probably would have been happy with a 36 square inch pile of bread, cheese, meat and veggies. Regardless, I ate the whole thing and was rather pleased with it. The conversation was entertaining as well. We regailed each other with stories of shows and seeing bands. My favorite was the image I had in mind as the story was told of a friend who broke his leg crowd surfing. I'll tell it from how I interpreted it. This guy is crowd surfing and having a blast. As the tide draws him closer to the front security line, a stuffed shirt reaches up and grabs him, no doubt to pull him to safety. As the security man pulls him down, the guy falls and his leg smashes into the fence. Busted. His leg, that is. I feel sorry for the kid, but have to laugh at the irony; the guard breaks the kids leg in an attempt to rescue him.

#2. Southland. Have you watched this show yet? I was watching the most recent episode online, as I missed it earlier in the week (that's a story in and of itself, I went to a laser light show featuring the music of The Beatles). The episode is called U-Boat. Ben goes out on patrol solo for the first time. This show is so gripping. I get an adrenaline rush just watching it. My room could probably be on fire all around me and I wouldn't notice until a commercial pops up. I actually feel a relaxing of my muscles on the commercial breaks. This new episode ends right in the middle of the action. It fades to black and I think it is going to a commercial, but it starts the next episode in the que. I wanted more. What a show! CSI, NCIS, Law & Order: these are nothing. Southland lets you ride along in the lives of the characters. I love it.

I am going to get some water, and then I'll come back to finish my third thought of the day.

Wow, that was some drink of water, an hour and 15 minutes. Well, Biz Markie, he's got a song that was in my head this morning in relation to something that was said in my Personality Psych class this morning. One time I tried to rewrite the lyrics to that song and play it on guitar. I think my rendition was fair, but not good.

That's all I've got to say tonight.

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