Ajax Thinks

Ajax Thinks
by Muffin Man

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ajax v. Vending Machine

A month or so ago I was just finishing up the stock pile of Butterfinger bars my brother and sister-in-law sent in a package for Christmas. My brother works for Nestle/Purina, so he gets the goods at employee rates. Sweet deal (get it? sweet, candy, that's right). I ate the last Butterfinger and thought it was the greatest thing ever, I don't know why. The next day after classes I went to the vending machine to get a Butterfinger. Before I continue, I'd just like to mention that last semester the candy bars in the machine were 85 cents, this semester they are 100 cents. Ridiculous. I still buy them though. Which is exactly why they are 100 cents now. I digress. The vending machines have a card reader for our school ID card. I swipe the card and make my selection and bammo! Two candy bars drop. At first my thoughts said "woo hoo!" a la Homer Simpson, then my thoughts said "D'oh!" a la Homer Simpson. A wave of "that second candy bar isn't yours, you didn't pay for it" came over me. I picked up both bars and put them in my coat pocket and began my 3/4 mile walk home. The entire walk I debated on what I should do with that second candy bar. At first I thought I could walk into the administration building and ask to see the president of the college (at other schools he'd be a dean, I guess, but we call him president). I decided that was too much. Then I thought I could go to the food services people and give them the candy bar, but I didn't know where to go to do that. I figured there was probably a phone number for the vending service somewhere on the machine, but that seemed like a lot of work. Just before I got home I realized that the second bar slipping down left an empty space in the spiral candy holding pushing deal. I could just go back, swipe my card, make the selection, the corkscrew would roll and nothing would drop. The machine would take my money and we'd be square. I was content with that plan and continued home happy. When I got home I didn't feel like eating the candy bar(s) so I stashed 'em in the desk...

The rest of this post can be found in the Ajax's Whimsical Revolution ebook for Amazon's Kindle. The book is a compilation of my favorite posts, 78 to be exact, of which this is one. If you don't have a Kindle e-reader you can download the free Amazon Kindle app for PC or Mac.

1 comment:

  1. If more people cared this much about things like this than less people would be offended or hurt.

    My roommate and I are great about making sure we're square with our money and bills. Because of this, she remains a loyal friend in my eyes.
