Ajax Thinks

Ajax Thinks
by Muffin Man

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Few Things to Get Me Closer to Bed Time

I need to fill some time and I don't want to do it by reading anything for school, so I will type some stuff here. First of all, I'd like to announce a few new phrases for the hip kid on the block.
Bring it down! - When someone does something and you want to congratulate them or comment on their job well done, you say "bring it down!" This phrase is all the rage, make sure you say it a lot. Example: Your friend gets an A on a test. Then later they do something that is actually noteworthy and you say "bring it down!"
King me! - This is the first person application of bring it down! A throwback to the old days of playing checkers. We all remember that game, and what a joy it was to proclaim your kingship. Now you can relive your glory days whenever you do something successful. But don't be obnoxious about it, retain your humility. Being full of your self doesn't bring it down. Example: You are in a foot race down behind the old school house with Huck and Tom, and you win! This is an appropriate time to shout to the world "King Me!"
This will suffice for now as I can't remember if there are any other new phrases that Muffin Man and I have been kicking around.
Speaking of Muffin Man, he has introduced a new musical group to me, The Avett Brothers. They have a song called I and Love and You (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqZZlL0l5Uk).
I thought I might say more, but I got distracted on that song playing widget business and now I'm not going to. Well, one more little thought.
Currently, I have no food in the apartment, save some microwave popcorn, a few flavors of Pop-Tarts, a jar of spaghetti sauce (sans spaghetti), pancake mix and grits. That's basically it anyway. I only live a few blocks from the grocery center, and I have plenty of money, but I don't want to walk over there. I don't like asking people to drive me places either. I'll tag along if someone is going, but I don't want to ask. So to cover my laziness, I'm pretending that I am on a hunger strike and it is going quite well. I haven't come up with a purpose for the strike yet, I'll have to make it something convincing, like lunar colonization. I should have stopped before this last little thought. Win some, lose some. Jurassic Park, man, Jurassic Park.

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