Ajax Thinks

Ajax Thinks
by Muffin Man

Friday, February 25, 2011

Happy Anniversary...To Me!

One year ago today (number-wise, yesterday if you go by day of the week) I got home from classes and talked to Muffin Man on the phone. I ranted and/or raved about something or other and he laughed. Heartily. He then encouraged me to quit hiding my knack under a bushel. My knack being the ability to complain, I suppose, but to complain in a way that makes people laugh and feel good. In other words, he was suggesting that I am a good story teller, just like VH1. He didn't actually use the words of hiding my knack under a bushel, that came later about a different topic, but that's the message he was giving me: share your talent with the world.

That very day, February 25th 2010 (also my youngest sister's birthday, Happy Birthday!), I began recording the whimsical revolution, which is my life, as a blog. And here we are a full year later, just under 200 posts and still going. Over the past few weeks I have read over just about every post, and aside from realizing there are a lot of typos, I have found a great collection of eclectic thoughts and opinions. The overall theme, I hope, has been laughter. But you be the judge of that. Never mind, I'll be the judge of that. You can be part of the jury and make suggestions, but I'm going to issue the final ruling. My stories are funny.

Recently I mentioned that the first anniversary for blogs is the silver anniversary. I suggested that all of you could send me silver gifts. But I understand that silver is pretty expensive, so I thought I'd make it easy for you and show you what I really want. Although I don't have any legitimate use or need for this item, it is what I want if those things and price weren't an issue. So here it is:

The Gibson Les Paul Custom in Silverburst Finish
@Musicians Friend only $3,899.00

What a gorgeous guitar, right? So everyone can band together and buy me this guitar or just send them individually. I don't mind having more than one. Just send it to Ajax, Vermont, USA. The Post Office knows me.

That's all in good fun. I don't want gifts from you. It is a nice guitar though. Someday I'd like to own one like that. Maybe after another year of blogging I'll be up to speed with my writing and I can write a book or something. Then I can afford to buy one of those bad boys. Actually I wouldn't, because I could never justify spending that much money on a guitar. It would be worth it in the sound department, but how could I live with myself if I spent more money on a guitar than many people spend on cars? I don't need a guitar of that nature. I can get the Epiphone (subsidiary of Gibson, if I am using subsidiary correctly, which I may or may not be) that looks just like it and sounds really good for about $500. And in the case of this guitar, it is mainly looks that attract me. Looks aren't everything, but they are the first thing. Especially with guitars. After the initial attraction you want substance. This guitar has substance in the form of dual humbucking pickups. It's a Gibson Les Paul! Of course it has substance.

I don't have a great plan for a post tonight, mainly I had to say happy anniversary to the blog. I can't give it cake. It doesn't have hands. But along with happy anniversary, I express my gratitude for Muffin Man and his constant encouragement and support. He is a muse for this blog. If not for him the blog wouldn't exist and I would probably be homeless in Texas. Thanks to everyone who reads as well. I like having an audience. Good night.

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