Ajax Thinks

Ajax Thinks
by Muffin Man

Monday, December 6, 2010

Today...It Snowed

Vermont is a beautiful state. One of the most beautiful, in my opinion; although I haven't seen them all. Maybe in a book or something. Possibly a clip in a movie or on a commercial. I suppose I have seen some form of visual representation of every state over the course of my life. I'd actually be surprised if there is a state that I haven't seen any pictures or video of. Vermont is a beautiful state.

I see all of the crazy natural disasters that plague other states - earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, fires, droughts, urban sprawl - and I think about how grateful I am to be in Vermont where we don't have all of those things. It rains so much that there is no way we could have drought or fires. We are too far inland for the hurricanes to do much damage. While there is a fault line that runs through the state, for some reason it doesn't do things here like they have in California. We don't have a lot of people so there isn't any urban sprawl. I suppose the Green Mountains block the tornadoes. I don't know why else they wouldn't come here. If I were a tornado I'd come to Vermont. Have I mentioned it is a beautiful place?

I'm not a meteorologist or a geologist, so I don't know why stuff happens, in regards to weather and land. I do know that a lot of those scary disasters don't occur here. We don't have poisonous snakes or spiders running rampant. There aren't any small dinosaurs in the rivers trying to eat mini-dogs or nautically-minded people. What we do have is snow and cold and ice.

Today was the first day I've driven in snow since December of 2008. It has been a long time. I suppose it will just take a few days and then I'll be back in the swing of it. Then I can be zipping along the highway at regular condition speeds in dangerous conditions, just like everyone else.


  1. Hey same conditions in our neck of the woods except we also have the earthquakes and lots of them. Luckily so far it has just shook the house for a couple seconds then stopped.
