Ajax Thinks

Ajax Thinks
by Muffin Man

Friday, July 9, 2010

You are What I Think You Are and I Am What You Think I Am

For my ethics class homework I read a chapter about relativism, cultural and subjective. The writing portion of the assignment was to speak to whether or not we agree with these theories and why. While I believe that there are objective rules of morality, I don't believe that I can tell anyone else that they are objective and expect them to take my word for it. I agree with relativism. There is no way that any person can prove objectivism. If there is I don't know about it. That's not saying much; there is certainly a lot that I don't know about. But I've been through enough classes where this topic has been discussed and there isn't any moral objectivity for proof. There is subjectivity which leads to a belief in objectivity. That is my suggestion. I believe in a personal God, personal to everyone. His laws are objective, that is, they apply equally to all people. I believe this. I also believe that his justice in upholding the law incorporates mercy, making the law just for all people, while maintaining objectivity. We are all accountable for the law, but culpable only to the extent which we are capable. A decision that no earthly tribunal can make. It is up to God. I believe this to be objective, but I believe it because of subjective experience. It is impossible for me to prove that what I believe is the case for everyone, or for anyone. It is an individual task that must be accomplished dependent upon the individual's desire and interest. It is subjective. This is why I believe that moral rules can only be discussed in subjective terms among people, unless there has been similar subjective experience which leads to the acceptance of divine objectivity. Murder is immoral because a collective body of individuals says so (cultural relativism), because an individual says so (subjective relativism) or because God - possibly through a prophet - says so (objective). I, personally, me, Ajax, cannot prove the objective morality of life, but a group of people can band together and establish a rule for themselves...

The rest of this post can be found in the Ajax's Whimsical Revolution ebook for Amazon's Kindle. The book is a compilation of my favorite posts, 78 to be exact, of which this is one. If you don't have a Kindle e-reader you can download the free Amazon Kindle app for PC or Mac.

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