Okay, okay, timeout! I’m reading a Reuters news article on Yahoo! News and I find the following: “Groups calling themselves The Descendants of the Prophet Brigade and the al-Habib al-Mustafa Brigade said on a Facebook page they were jointly responsible for the bombing, which they said had killed 50 soldiers.”
I deleted my Facebook account just over two months ago. I’m pleased to announce I am living a happy and normal life. I appreciate the freedom of speech and expression afforded by the Internet, and I am not calling for censorship, but let’s just stop and think about this for a minute, terrorists and armies are announcing their efforts through a Facebook page? Twitter wasn’t good enough? Needed more than 140 characters I suppose.
I’m not even sure what I find unsettling here, but it is something. Perhaps it is the association I have in my mind with Facebook as a way to connect with friends and brag about personal accomplishments in order to garner attention. I suppose that fills the need for claiming responsibility for a terrorist action. It all just seems really ridiculous. But I don’t know why it should, Facebook is the new newspaper. Underground and revolutionary movements thrive on communication ability. In the past this meant having a printing press. Now it means having an Internet connection.
Regardless of why this was shocking to me, I’m concerned over how well we all just sit back and let these things happen. The wars I mean, not the Facebook postings, well maybe that too in some cases, but I’m talking about the wars primarily. The world as a whole has no clear purpose or direction. This planet is a wayward teenager, listing about, looking for cheap thrills, trying to find their way. There is simply too much selfish pride. It is actually unfair to call the world a teenager, unfair to the teenager that is. The world isn’t listless or lazy, it is selfishly proud.
No one is willing to bend on their culture enough to accept anyone else. You don’t have to bend on your personal morals in order to appreciate a differing point of view. Unfortunately so many cultures embrace immoral behavior, yes, immoral from my perspective, but all cultures have these things. Those are the aspects of culture that need to be forgotten. Selfish pride stands in the way, individually and collectively. Science needs to forget about Mars, global warming, and fat-free foods for a while and focus on human relationships and selfishness. I guarantee if we can eliminate selfishness we will eliminate a lot of these other issues we are spending our time on. Stop treating the symptoms and treat the underlying issue.
I suppose it will treat itself eventually. The cancer of pride eventually kills the body. Or we could forget the 401k and the thrill-seeking and unite ourselves as a human family. We can work the land and feed ourselves and our neighbors. We can teach each other the good customs and traditions we have that educate and build our communities. We can enjoy laughter and exercise and healthy competition. Or we can keep on with our contentious one-upmanship, fighting, and exploitive entertainment. If we all quit being selfish we can turn this thing around.
Date Tricks for Guys that Truly Work
4 years ago
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