I think it is interesting how much work and worry we put into energy, both fossil fuel and renewable. What would you say if I told you that there have already been countless civilizations who have mastered renewable, clean energy? It's true. Civilizations who would be declared archaic in comparison to our civilization today have mastered clean energy. The most ironic part of it all is that as we entered the industrial age we left behind the clean, renewable energy age. All of our advances in technology have made us more dependent on the diminishing (or so they say, but I don't believe it) resources such as oil.
Think about it for a minute, tractors today run on diesel fuel and do the job of oxen and horses from years past, which oxen and horses run on grass, water, and sunlight. There's your renewable bio fuels: grass, water, and sunlight. We are so far off the mark. Sure, medical advances, communication advances, all that, but do we really need it? What is life all about anyway? Couldn't we accomplish the core purposes without the Internet, the Kindle, Facebook, and Dancing with the Stars? We don't even know what the core purposes of life are any more, not as a collective understanding at least. And when you have sub groups that know the core purposes, they want to kill or convert anyone else who has a different concept of the core purposes.
We are spinning our wheels. I just spent three hours doing ridiculous calculations on numbers for my statistics final exam. Before that I spent 8 hours talking to people about computer software issues regarding electronic storage of image and loan application documents. All for a paycheck. All so I can utilize more diminishing sources of energy. I should say consume, rather than utilize. What did I accomplish today? Nothing, when you qualify things. I spent nearly the entire time I've been awake in front of a computer at work and then a computer at home. It was a beautiful Spring day, but I was inside for all of it except to drive the two miles to the office and back. I spent all of 30 minutes (and that's generous) interacting with my wife, and that was to eat breakfast and dinner together. She was sitting a few feet away from me while I was doing my exam, but we weren't spending time together. How can a day be successful if all I've done is generate some ethereal numbers in my electronic balance for my bank account? All I did was consume non-renewable resources.
How about we start a new occupy movement, called occupy common sense? How about we occupy the ground and grow our own food? How about we occupy the Earth and use renewable energy to secure our basic needs and then spend the rest of the time interacting with each other in philosophical and educational pursuits? We don't need universities, textbooks, science labs, or the Internet to be educated. Oh well.
Date Tricks for Guys that Truly Work
4 years ago