Ajax Thinks

Ajax Thinks
by Muffin Man

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Day at the Races

I typed this up at midnight last night, or this morning, whichever you prefer. Sometimes I'll have a thought while lying in bed waiting for sleep to overtake me. That sounds so dramatic, that's why I typed it that way instead of just saying "waiting to fall asleep." Good, huh? So I get these ideas and sometimes I just entertain them in my head, figuratively writing out a masterful essay or comedy routine. Those become lost to the ages. Other times I'll type a note in my phone or scribble a note down using my phone as a light. This time I actually turned my computer on and waited forever for the three-year-old slowpoke to boot up. Then I typed the following:

Some people say that the first step in a race is the hardest one to take. This is because that first step represents weeks, months or even years of commitment and preparation. It is the culmination of early morning runs, muscle strain, dehydration, sunburn, windburn, trips and falls, blisters and miles and miles of being out of breath. The right diet, the right coaches, the right practice routines and nothing else. Everything in preparation for that one step; certainly there is a lot that goes into it. Moments before the race begins you are lined up with others who have similarly sacrificed and prepared. You focus and wait for the preparatory remarks. At the sound of the starter’s pistol your muscles contract and spring into action, your first foot crosses the line and the race has begun. The hardest step has been taken. This is what some people say, but not me. This is the easiest step to take...

The rest of this post can be found in the Ajax's Whimsical Revolution ebook for Amazon's Kindle. The book is a compilation of my favorite posts, 78 to be exact, of which this is one. If you don't have a Kindle e-reader you can download the free Amazon Kindle app for PC or Mac.

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